Open Letter to the Prime Minister of ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA’ regarding the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT)

6th March 201
Co-Founder of Wake Up World and Being of the Creator
On 25th December 2012 the Trustees of the One People’s Public Trust announced the conclusion of a series of UCC filings which ordered the foreclosure of corporations and corporate-governments, and the repossession of their assets. Now, over 10 weeks later, the UCC filings remain unrebutted and – more importantly – totally unacknowledged by the former governments they terminated.
It’s a predictable response. But it is not acceptable…. for two reasons.
Firstly, in a genuine democracy, silence is an inadequate answer of government to reasonable questions of its legitimacy. The role of a true democratic government is to serve its people with full accountability to its people. But as the OPPT discussion continues to unfold around the world, our former corporate governments remain silent, going about their “business” as though nothing has changed.
In essence, the facade of democracy is over. They are still claiming the rights and authority of former government, but have openly disregarded their responsibilities as public servants to the “democracies” they claim to represent. And by doing so, they continue to obstruct the free-will rights of other Beings.
Secondly, members of visible (former) governments were never “in charge” of the system, they were effectively “middle management”. Although some may have been knowingly complicit, they are ultimately employees and not the beneficiaries of the former corporate government structure. Their continued public pretense to government status just demonstrates that the control and duress exerted on them by their corporate bosses still continues today.
Whether you were a “ground-level” slave or “middle management” to the system, we were all mistreated by the former structure. We all played our roles. And a system that robs any Being of their right to a free, unencumbered and transparent existence is intolerable. And now it is unlawful.
So in an attempt to bridge the gap of silence, I present today an open letter to Julia Gillard, Prime Minister of the ‘COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA’ (U.S. Securities & Exchange Commission Central Index Key # 0000805157)
An open letter to the Prime Minister of the COMMONWEALTH OF AUSTRALIA
Dear Prime Minister Julia Gillard,
I am writing this letter to you to with truth in my heart and the utmost respect for your Being.
I am writing to inform you of a very pressing issue; an issue that touches every human being on this planet. I urge you to read this correspondence and seek legal advice on what this actually means to the structure of our society and how we will live our lives from today onward.
After several years of legal investigations, a complex series of UCC filings and extensive processes of legal notification, the world’s corporate entities were foreclosed and duly notified of such by the One People’s Public Trust (OPPT). The UCC filings claimed that the former corporate system (including the‘Commonwealth Of Australia’ corporation) operated slavery and private money systems, and left unrebutted, the filings were entered into law. As remedy, the funds and resources that were accumulated by those corporate entities are now repossessed for the use of humanity. Since December, millions of people around the world have become aware of this, and all of us – including you – stand to benefit.
I respectfully request that you carefully read these documents and become acquainted with their authenticity and lawful standing. The full public record of these filings can be found at As a former commercial lawyer yourself, I’m sure you will grasp the complexity and gravity of these filings, but I encourage you to contact the Trustees via the Contact option on the above-mentioned website if you require clarification.
In short, the people of the world now have lawful equity in the world’s resources and a permanent legal standing that enables us to reject the system of corporate slavery that has been imposed upon us. And as a result, we – The One People – finally get to dream the dream and build the kind of world that we want to leave for future generations, with pride and a true sense of accomplishment. We can peacefully exit the systems of slavery imposed on us, and bring an end to the systemic pain and suffering of billions of our brothers and sisters.
Our newly ratified framework of governance ensures that every entity on the planet is accorded respect, love and compassion, and that systems of inequity, harm and hardship can never again be created. It also ensures that each individual now stands in full liability of their own actions and creations, without company policy or the protections of corporate liability to hide behind.
This is the beginning of a new social paradigm.
The reality is that only a select few truly benefited from the old system of systemic control, debt, poverty and resource wars. The establishment of corporate ‘government’ bodies underhandedly removed our freedom of choice. And the acts of its agents and its business partners – all perpetrated under the guises of “governance” and “progress” – have had terrible and dramatic impacts on our planet and the fabric of our societies.
At no time did we, The One People, give our knowing and willing consent to:
- the gradual erosion of our rights and freedoms under corporate rule.
- governments holding the level of power and control that has been exerted over us.
- every aspect of our lives coming under the scrutiny of corporate government.
- laws being implemented that are in contradiction of our constitution.
- being treated as a financial commodity rather than as a living, breathing human Being.
- the devastation of our planet and its resources to satisfy corporate greed.
- being viewed as ‘less’ than the powers that were.
But while our freedoms were appropriated by corporate rule, that is exactly what happened.
By now, it must be obvious to you and others in the corporate government structure that we, The One People, are no longer receptive to the former systems of control. We understand that the recent UCC filings proved these mechanisms to meet the lawful definition of slavery. And we understand that we have other options.
The game is over and we’re not playing anymore.
As a result, we can each make conscious choices and live our lives unrestricted by the authority of others. We can each step away from the structure of corporate rule and its inherent destructiveness, and move toward systems of governance in which freedom, co-creativity, personal responsibility and accountability are valued. For the first time ever, we are no longer commercial commodities or slaves to an oligarchy that was created by the deception and manipulation of its ‘elite’ beneficiaries. In due course, the community’s enforcement of the repossession order will see the resources and infrastructures that were controlled by our former masters reformed – to truly serve the people.
Our time of obedience to any and all “authority” is over. The use of force, duress and control over any and all peoples is over. Obtaining profit, power and dominance over the divine and universal rights of others is over.
No Being has the lawful right to impede another’s experience of the abundance of creation. That is now law.
So it is with great relief that I share this with you today…. together, we can finally end this cruel parody of governance. It has taken a personal toll on me, and it has no doubt taken a great toll on you too. But you, just like the rest of us, will benefit immensely from this historic change. And from one Being to another, I encourage you to embrace it.
There are moments in our lives when we have to make the biggest of all choices; choices that will change the course of our lives, and the lives of others. That moment is upon us. It is upon you.
We have the courage, knowledge, compassion and understanding to make historic and wondrous changes to the way we live on Earth, and the time for us to act is now.
I invite you to join me – and millions of others like me – on this path of love, compassion, freedom, abundance and endless co-creation. We are entering a new era of human existence. And the enactment of the One People’s Public Trust has ratified it… in perpetuity.
Accordingly, you have a choice to make. As do we all. This new paradigm affects you and I equally.
So I encourage you to ask yourself:
- Did I truly join politics to serve corporate interests?
- Do I believe each human Being is entitled to live abundantly and free?
- Am I prepared to continue serving the interests of former corporations in total transparency and full personal liability?
- What do I truly want our world to look like?
From this moment onward, your actions, as well as the actions of every human Being alive on this planet, will carry with them complete personal responsibility and liability. And although the corporate government who previously employed you has been lawfully foreclosed, you hold a unique position of influence in the global community; a position which – employed ethically and effectively – can have an enormously positive affect on the way we rebuild our society. As this extraordinary time unfolds, I trust that the decisions you make will not only honour your position of influence, but your own nature as a loving, compassionate human Being.
In return, human history will remember you as someone who fought for our freedom, and not just as “another bloody politician” who went down with the sinking ship.
In full personal liability, the choice is now yours.
I HOLD OUT MY HANDS IN FORGIVENESS, HONOR, RESPECT AND LOVE. I salute you for helping to bring humanity to a point where we can realize our true potential and re-claim what is rightfully ours. Without the struggles that have been put upon us, we would not have appreciated so keenly the freedoms we have now achieved through this process.
I invite you to become part of the solution that we have all been waiting for. Please, join me… and help the global community to manifest the free and equitable paradigm to which we are now lawfully entitled.
With the honour, love and sincerity,
Andy Whiteley
Being of the Creator
Note to our readers: I have sent copies of this letter to Prime Minister Julia Gillard via email and post, and I encourage our Australian readers to do the same. You can send an exact copy of this letter to the Prime Minister, or a non-specific version of this letter to other Members of Parliament. To locate your local Member or Senator, click here.
For readers outside Australia, click here to access a generic version of this document which can be sent to former government agents in any country.
About the author
Andy Whiteley is the co-founder of Wake Up World and a Being of the Creator.
“Think globally, act locally”.
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Related articles:
- One People’s Public Trust Lawfully Forecloses Corporations, Banks and Governments for Operating Slavery and Private Money Systems
- One People’s Public Trust: Your Frequently Asked Questions Answered
- Corporations Masquerading as Government in Australia & World Wide
- Corporations Masquerading as Government (Part II): Which “Government” Can We Trust?
- Money is Not Needed in Energy Abundance
- 2012 Through The Eyes of Wake Up World
An employee benefit trust often takes the form of a pension or profit-sharing plan set up by an employer to ensure that its employees have an adequate income stream during retirement.
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